Representations of p-adic groups, Automorphic L-functions.
14, (Joint with Pan Yan), On a refined local converse theorem for SO(4), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152(2024), 4959-4976. arXiv: 2302.06256.
13, (Joint with Baiying Liu), On a converse theorem for $G_2$ over finite fields, Math. Ann. 383(2022), 1217-1283, Journal link , arXiv: 1811.10472.
12, (Joint with Clifton Cunningham and Andrew Fiori), Arthur packets for $G_2$ and perverse sheaves on cubics, Advances in Mathematics 395(2022), 108074, 74pp, Journal link, arXiv: 2005.02438.
11, (Joint with Baiying Liu), Gamma factors and converse theorems for classical groups over finite fields, Journal of Number Theory 234 (2022), 285-332, Journal link.
10, On a Rankin-Selberg integral of the L-function for ${\widetilde {SL}}_2\times GL_2$, Math. Z., 298(2021), 307-326, Journal link.
9, (Joint with Joseph Hundley), Adjoint L-functions for GL(3) and U(2,1), International Math Research Notices, Vol2021, Issue 1, 324-381, rnz125, Journal link, arXiv.
8, (Joint with Baiying Liu), Uniqueness of certain Fourier-Jacobi models over finite fields, Finite Fields and their Applications 58, (2019), 70-123. Journal link, arXiv:1810.11901.
7, A local converse theorem for U(2r+1), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), no.8, 5631–5654. Journal link, arXiv.
6, A local converse theorem for Sp(2r), Math. Ann., 372 (2018), 451-488, Journal link
5, Addendum to “A strong multiplicity one theorem for $SL_2$”, Pacific Journal of Math. 292:2 (2018), 505-510. Journal link.
4, Stability of Rankin–Selberg gamma factors for Sp(2n), ${\widetilde {Sp}}(2n)$ and U(n,n), Int. Journal of Number Theory, 13:9(2017), 2393-2432.
3, A local converse theorem for U(2,2), Forum Mathematicum, 29, Issue 6 (2017), 1471-1497.
2, A local converse theorem for U(1,1), Int. Journal of Number Theory, Vol 13, Issue 8 (2017), 1931-1981.
1, (Joint with Jingsong Chai), A strong multiplicity one theorem for SL(2) , Pacific Journal of Math, Vol. 285 (2016), No. 2, 345–374. Journal link.
15, (Joint with Clifton Cunningham and Andrew Fiori), Toward the endoscopic classification of unipotent representations of p-adic $G_2$, submitted, arXiv: 2101.04578.
16, (Joint with Alexander Hazeltine, Baiying Liu and Chi-Heng Lo), The closure ordering conjecture on local $L$-parameters in local Arthur packets of classical groups, preprint, arXiv: 2209.03816.
17, (Joint with Pan Yan), Product of Rankin-Selberg covolutions and a new proof of Jacquet's local converse conjecture, preprint, arXiv:2309.10445
18, (Joint with Clifton Cunningham, Sarah Dijols, Andrew Fiori), Generic representations, open parameters and ABV-packets for p-adic groups, preprint, arXiv:2404.07463
19, (Joint with Alexander Hazeltine, Dihua Jiang, Baiying Liu and Chi-Heng Lo), On representations of Arthur type and unitary dual for classical groups, preprint, arXiv: 2410.11806 .